Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Because its the end of term, I'm just posting all of the scene's I've made in Quicktime versions. Here are what the scenes will look like, however they might still need some editing because I haven't had time to go back and buffer them yet.








Sunday, June 16, 2013

Goodbye for now

In this scene, my fish who lost its colour will be sadly venturing out of the reef to try and somehow find its colour in order to stop the rest of his fishy friends from laughing at him. I only got up to drawing the first frame, but in this scene the fish will be slowly swimming into the distance, carrying a little sack on his back before visiting different places under the sea to search for his colour. This is what it looks like so far:


The next scene I worked on was only very short and lasts for just a couple of seconds, but it's about all of the other fish in the reef laughing at the fish who lost it's colour. I found a colourful cartoon fish off google images and kept duplicating it so I could save time by not having to individually draw every single other fish in the reef. Here's mainly what this scene looks like except the all the laughing fish will be moving around to display the fact that they're laughing.

I lost my colour!

Today I worked on the scene my fish realises it's colour has disappeared, which is a very short scene compared to other ones I have been working on. I started off this scene by the fish opening it's eyes that grow larger in shock after realising the new grey colour of its scales. The fish then has a small tear roll down it's cheek before the next scene comes into play.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Carrying on from last lesson, I drew the fish into the middle of the spinning vortex to look as if it was spinning out form getting hit. When I first drew the fish, I was planning on copying and pasting the fish into every frame that the spinning vortex was in. However, when I went to highlight the fish and do this, it was really difficult because all of the other brush strokes from the white and yellows were getting in the way. I then decided to take a screenshot of the fish and import the screenshot into the next frames, which ended up being the way to go. I needed Mr Powell to help me do this because I was struggling at the start due to the fact I couldn't get the photo above all of the other brush strokes in the background, but really all I had to do was just change the spinning vortex to be in the background frames, not the foreground. In every frame, I slightly rotated the fish around and slightly made it bigger, so gradually it looks as if it's getting closer.

That was the end of Scene 4! So now I've started working on Scene 5, which is the scene my fish realises it has no colour :( I only got up to the very beginning frame, which I thought would start off as being kind of like shock waves fading into the fish as it realises it's colour has gone. It's really hard to explain but it will make sense when it's done. This is kind of what it will looks like:

The shock waves will slowly get smaller and the fish will be in the middle with a very shocked look on it's face.