Thursday, June 6, 2013


Carrying on from last lesson, I drew the fish into the middle of the spinning vortex to look as if it was spinning out form getting hit. When I first drew the fish, I was planning on copying and pasting the fish into every frame that the spinning vortex was in. However, when I went to highlight the fish and do this, it was really difficult because all of the other brush strokes from the white and yellows were getting in the way. I then decided to take a screenshot of the fish and import the screenshot into the next frames, which ended up being the way to go. I needed Mr Powell to help me do this because I was struggling at the start due to the fact I couldn't get the photo above all of the other brush strokes in the background, but really all I had to do was just change the spinning vortex to be in the background frames, not the foreground. In every frame, I slightly rotated the fish around and slightly made it bigger, so gradually it looks as if it's getting closer.

That was the end of Scene 4! So now I've started working on Scene 5, which is the scene my fish realises it has no colour :( I only got up to the very beginning frame, which I thought would start off as being kind of like shock waves fading into the fish as it realises it's colour has gone. It's really hard to explain but it will make sense when it's done. This is kind of what it will looks like:

The shock waves will slowly get smaller and the fish will be in the middle with a very shocked look on it's face.

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