Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fish Vegas

Today I finished animating the background for my Fish Vegas scene. I kept the ferris wheel from last lesson but I changed the sign and added in some buildings and a roller coaster (which will have a roller coaster running on it). The ferris wheel has lights that spiral around the inside and change colours after every slide, and the lights outlining the Fish Vegas sign change from orange to yellow every 2 slides. I went to vegas when I was younger and I remember there being lots of lights everywhere so I tried to make this scene kind of fit into my description. Next lesson I'll add in the characters. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Viva Fish Vegas

Today I started working on the second destination my fish visits, which is the famous fish vegas! I only got up to drawing a ferris wheel and a sign saying 'fish vegas' on it because that's all I had time for so next lesson I hope to become near finishing it. To give the ferris wheel a lighting up effect, after every two slides I changed the colour of one of the pink ferris wheel poles in the middle to purple. So it gives an effect that the wheel is lighting up in a circular motion. I'm not too sure if the sign looks right though because I did it in a rush so I'll probably modify it a bit next lesson.

Is that some colour???

Today I worked on the transition scene that my fish will swim from one scene to the next in. It was quite simple to make because it just consisted of my fish swimming across the screen. However.........there are some sneaky scales of colour that have appeared on my fish!! Because the main point of the story is that after every place my fish visits, it'll get a small part of its colour back and at the end it'll be more colourful that it was to start with!

I didn't end up getting a screenshot of its colour but there are two scales that are now a deep pink :)


I finished drawing my scene for jellyfish fields today so I was really happy about that because I think it's turned out well! Except Mr Powell suggested that a more effective way of presenting my animation would be that instead of having speech bubbles coming from my talking characters, I should have voiceovers to give the characters some more life. However in order to do this I had to delete every single speech bubble in all the frames that had them and because one of the speech bubbles went over one of the jellyfish, it was really hard to recolour and not accidentally delete a certain part of the jellyfish so I had to delete the jellyfish all together. This took a while but I think it looks good now :)  Mr Powell then also suggested that to give the jellyfish some more life, I should move their tentacles to give them a 'jelly-like' appearance. After doing this to several slides, I decided to go with my gut instinct and stop doing this to the remaining slides because it was taking too long and I'm worried that I might not get all of my scenes done in time. Except with what I've done, I think that they still have a jelly like appearance, but at the end if I have enough time to come back and edit this part of my scene I will!

(p.s. I deleted the jellyfish with the pink tentacles)

Jellyfish Fields

First lesson back for term 3!
I was so excited to start animating again because during the holidays I came up with several good ideas for the next couple of scenes. However the scene I was working on today was the one where my fish goes on a hunt for his colour and the first stop is at jellyfish fields.
I got the idea for this scene from the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants, which is why I imported the same background the show uses for their jellyfish fields. I then had to draw a couple of jellyfish, but to add more interest, I made their tentacles different colours and their eyes look different ways.
As my fish swims into the scene, it stops in the middle to ask one of the jellyfish whether it had seen its colour or not. Unfortunately the jellyfish hasn't so the fish will have to continue on with it's journey someplace elsewhere. I didn't end up finishing this scene today but hopefully I will next lesson :)