Thursday, July 25, 2013

Jellyfish Fields

First lesson back for term 3!
I was so excited to start animating again because during the holidays I came up with several good ideas for the next couple of scenes. However the scene I was working on today was the one where my fish goes on a hunt for his colour and the first stop is at jellyfish fields.
I got the idea for this scene from the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants, which is why I imported the same background the show uses for their jellyfish fields. I then had to draw a couple of jellyfish, but to add more interest, I made their tentacles different colours and their eyes look different ways.
As my fish swims into the scene, it stops in the middle to ask one of the jellyfish whether it had seen its colour or not. Unfortunately the jellyfish hasn't so the fish will have to continue on with it's journey someplace elsewhere. I didn't end up finishing this scene today but hopefully I will next lesson :)

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