Thursday, July 25, 2013


I finished drawing my scene for jellyfish fields today so I was really happy about that because I think it's turned out well! Except Mr Powell suggested that a more effective way of presenting my animation would be that instead of having speech bubbles coming from my talking characters, I should have voiceovers to give the characters some more life. However in order to do this I had to delete every single speech bubble in all the frames that had them and because one of the speech bubbles went over one of the jellyfish, it was really hard to recolour and not accidentally delete a certain part of the jellyfish so I had to delete the jellyfish all together. This took a while but I think it looks good now :)  Mr Powell then also suggested that to give the jellyfish some more life, I should move their tentacles to give them a 'jelly-like' appearance. After doing this to several slides, I decided to go with my gut instinct and stop doing this to the remaining slides because it was taking too long and I'm worried that I might not get all of my scenes done in time. Except with what I've done, I think that they still have a jelly like appearance, but at the end if I have enough time to come back and edit this part of my scene I will!

(p.s. I deleted the jellyfish with the pink tentacles)

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