Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Coming Home

Today I managed to finish 2 scenes and start another which was good! I finished the scene where my fish realises its colour is back and another short scene of my fish swimming back to its reef. I then started drawing the following scene which will have all the other fish in the reef smiling because my fish has regained its colour.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Almost together

Here is my progress so far. I still have about two or three more scenes to go before I'm completely finished animating. 

Rainbow Fish

Today I got rid of all the colours I drew on my fish last week so it was completely white. This way I could re-draw on the scales that I would fill in with different colours, as I thought the fish's colours I drew last lesson didn't look quite right. Here is what the fish looks like now. Compared to last week I prefer way better!
The reason for its eyes being closed is because I will make it gradually get bigger when it emerges out from all of the swirls and 'fizzing' of the transformation. When it reaches its full size, I will make the eyes open and a really big smile will then spread out across its face.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


My fish is finally going to get its colour back!! After all this time visiting places in the ocean trying to succeed he is finally going to regain his colour!
Today I mainly worked on the 'transformation' slides, which just consist of many colours and swirls changing over and over again to give the person watching an idea that something magical is happening. Carrying on from last lesson, I made the starts get bigger and drew more and more of them until they finally took up the whole screen. After this I changed scenes and started drawing heaps of different coloured slides with white swirls in the middle. Next lesson I'll make the fish slowly appear out of all the swirls to reveal his new scales!

This is how I started drawing my colourful fish today but I did it in the last five minutes of the lesson, so I'll probably change the colours around to make it appear much more colourful than this in the end. I want every colour possible to be on the fish.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What's Happening!

I carried on with all of the stars surrounding my fish in today's lesson and continued to make more and more appear. Also, before I started to make more stars appear I made my fish's mouth move so when I've finished my animation, I can make a voiceover of saying 'what's happening!' This is all I got up to today, but here is what the scene looks like so far:

Scared Octopus

Today I started the transformation of my fish! Carrying on from my last scene, I drew a different yellow star somewhere around my fish in every frame so it looked as if my fish had heaps of sparkles popping up around it. At the same time, the octopus my fish was talking to gets a panicked look on his face and slowly moves backward as he doesn't know what's going on. My fish then has a sad look appear on his face because he doesn't know where the octopus is going. 
This is all I got through today but next lesson I'll make more stars surround my fish also draw them bigger until there are so many you can no longer see the fish. After this I'll change scenes to reveal the fish with it's new rainbow scales!  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The final countdown

Today I added the fish into this scene, made it swim over to the octopus and made both of the octopus' and fish's mouths move in sync to where their voiceover voices will be. This was quite easy to do considering I have done the exact same thing to all of my other scenes. So next lesson I will hopefully make a start on the fish realising it's scales are glowing which will lead to them turning rainbow!

Octo Octopus

Today I finished designing the outside of Atlantis and added in a pink octopus, which will be the last character my fish will talk to before it regains back its full colour. I didn't have any trouble doing any of this today because all I basically did was draw, colour in and trace, however the octopus' eyes won't be closed the whole time if you were wondering haha. Here is what the scene looks like now:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Productive Lesson

This scene didn’t take too long to complete so I moved onto the scene where my fish visits the final destination of its colour journey. I really want this scene to be pretty cool so I’m drawing Atlantis in the background. I only got up to drawing the outline of the castle plus some detail, but here is what it looks like so far: 

Today I finally finished my shark scene yay! After adding in all my fish slides into the foreground I had finished! This wasn’t too hard considering I’d done the same thing with my fish for the past couple of scenes. However the only different thing I did was that I changed the fish’s facial expressions to being really frightened instead of being just sad due to the fact it was talking to three angry sharks!
After this scene, I started and finished my transition scene where my fish swims from one scene to the next and another colour is revealed on its scales. I chose the colour to be a vibrant yellow because the other colours were a vibrant pink and green. I also kept its facial expressions as being frightened because the sharks just told him to scram!

Take 2

I was so annoyed when I opened up my Shark Cave Scene today because I found out that most of the work I did last lesson had been deleted! So I was only left with the option to re-do all of the slides that had been lost. This was annoying because I had other things to work on but then again, I think the new sharks I drew were better than the sharks I drew last lesson because I actually knew how to draw them  haha
I didn't have enough time to finish this scene today but I finished all of the slides for the background, so next lesson I'll add in the foreground slides and the scene should come together :)
Here is what the sharks I drew look like:

Watch out!

Today I started drawing the sharks that will go into this scene :) At first I found it really hard to draw sharks so it took me ages until I finally drew a shark that looked like a shark haha! I thought that if I made each shark look different then this scene would be more interesting compared to if there were three similar looking sharks. Next lesson I'm hoping to finish drawing my third shark and add in my fish! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


After finishing working on Fish Vegas, I started working on the shark cave scene! What will happen in this scene will be that my fish will swim up to a mysterious cave and realise that it's being inhabited by three sharks! The sharks will ask what the fish is doing outside their home before the fish explains that it has lost it's colour and needs to find it again. The sharks say no they haven't and that the fish better scram otherwise it might turn into their dinner so off the fish goes into the next scene. 
Here is the beginning of this scene, except i haven't added the fish in yet because I find it easier to draw the background first before I draw the foreground.


Transition #2

I made another quick transition scene in today's lesson. It only took me about 2 minutes to do because it is the exact same as the first transition scene since I copied and pasted its slides. After this, all I needed to do was just add another colour to the fish's scales, which I chose to be a bright green. I'm thinking about adding another special feature after the fish visits another place in search of it's colour, so instead of just it's colour changing, its mouth could slowly change into a smile as well. I might work on changing this next lesson :)

Bye Vegas!

Today I finally finished my fish vegas scene :) I added in the characters and made them speak so after that I had finished! There weren't really too many difficulties with this scene except I struggled a little bit to get a good effect of my fish moving up and down in the current of the water without them looking rushed. However I overcame this so now it looks much better. As you can see my main fish has some of it's scales in colour.