Friday, August 9, 2013

Productive Lesson

This scene didn’t take too long to complete so I moved onto the scene where my fish visits the final destination of its colour journey. I really want this scene to be pretty cool so I’m drawing Atlantis in the background. I only got up to drawing the outline of the castle plus some detail, but here is what it looks like so far: 

Today I finally finished my shark scene yay! After adding in all my fish slides into the foreground I had finished! This wasn’t too hard considering I’d done the same thing with my fish for the past couple of scenes. However the only different thing I did was that I changed the fish’s facial expressions to being really frightened instead of being just sad due to the fact it was talking to three angry sharks!
After this scene, I started and finished my transition scene where my fish swims from one scene to the next and another colour is revealed on its scales. I chose the colour to be a vibrant yellow because the other colours were a vibrant pink and green. I also kept its facial expressions as being frightened because the sharks just told him to scram!

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