Saturday, August 24, 2013


My fish is finally going to get its colour back!! After all this time visiting places in the ocean trying to succeed he is finally going to regain his colour!
Today I mainly worked on the 'transformation' slides, which just consist of many colours and swirls changing over and over again to give the person watching an idea that something magical is happening. Carrying on from last lesson, I made the starts get bigger and drew more and more of them until they finally took up the whole screen. After this I changed scenes and started drawing heaps of different coloured slides with white swirls in the middle. Next lesson I'll make the fish slowly appear out of all the swirls to reveal his new scales!

This is how I started drawing my colourful fish today but I did it in the last five minutes of the lesson, so I'll probably change the colours around to make it appear much more colourful than this in the end. I want every colour possible to be on the fish.

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