Friday, February 15, 2013

Different Emotions


The photo below shows a very surprised baby. You can tell its in some form of shock or surprise through the way its eyes appear to have that 'popping out' look. Its mouth is slightly curved downwards which is the natural position the mouth would fall into after being surprised. This photo was actually a screen shot from a video on youtube of a baby being frightened by it's mother blowing her nose. (screen shot)

This photo is also of a surprised baby which can be shown through body language. His eyes have the same 'popping out' effect as the first baby and his mouth is in an 'O' shape which is another natural position mouths fall into when we get surprised as one of our first reactions is to take a gasp of air.

This lady below appears to have just heard something she was not at all expecting to hear! Once again, her eyes appear to have that popping out of their sockets look and her mouth has been left hanging wide open.


This photo of Leonardo De Caprio was taken during a very sad scene in one of the many movies he stars in. You can tell by the the way his skin has turned a shade of pink around his eyes and nose that he has obviously been crying. His eyebrows are frowning and his eyes seem like they're yelling out for someone to come and save him from his misery. His mouth is in a shape of disbelief.

This next photo is of a women who looks totally helpless and lost in what ever has happened to her. It's like she has been crying over something for so long that no more tears can come out of her, so she has been left there with an expressionless and empty look on her face.

This picture is of little girl who seems to be very upset due to the fact that she's in hysterics crying over something. Even though her hair is slightly covering her face, you still get the idea of the emotions of loneliness, emptiness and sadness. Her bottom lip is curved under her top and her face is scrunched up from crying so hard.


This photo of Marilyn Monroe is of her naturally laughing. The way her eyes squint and her mouth smiles is a way that we can tell she's happy and enjoying herself.

In this picture all three of the girls are laughing and having a great time together at the beach. You can tell they're smiles aren't put on by looking at their body language - especially the two girls in the middle and on the right as they're slightly arching over from laughing so hard.

This photo of Niall Horan also shows laughter and happiness. His eyes are squinted and he's got a massive smile going right across his face which in a way, makes you want to feel like smiling too.

1 comment:

  1. Can't get rid of the big spaces between the last three photos for some reason
