Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Idea

I thought of an idea! So for my animation, I think I'm going to follow the story of something along the lines of this:

So my main character will be a fish living in the great barrier reef and one night, a huge storm passes over the reef he lives in and he is separated from his family. But to make matters worse, he has lost his colour! So now he is a grey fish living in amongst all of the other colourful fish, so he becomes really upset. He decides that he can no longer go on living as a grey fish so he sets out into the world to try and regain his colour. After every place he visits he manages to regain one spec of his colour, so after he visits several places, he becomes even more colourful than he ever was before! He finally returns back to his reef and he is so colourful that nearly all the other fish seem boring with their single colours! So its a happy ending :)

I'll probably add heaps to that story line and change it around over time but that's the basic structure I think. I also might have some music playing in the background to give it more emotion for different parts of the animation.

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